Identified operational failures.
Provided higher torque actuator solutions able to meet tough environmental conditions with
80% lower power consumption.

Required code testing illustrated failing fire and smoke actuators.
Addressed mounting constraints and offered a compact reliable solution that was easy to install providing 64% lower power consumption.
Air Solutions for Better Reliability
Renewal offers air solutions tailored for a wide variety of HVAC damper applications. With a comprehensive actuator torque range from 18 in-lb to 1400 in-lb for standard or custom installations. Compatible with all major control systems they can be installed conveniently and sometimes without any interruption in service.
Periodic testing of fire and smoke dampers are required by fire codes. According to testing agency surveys, 30% of installed older generation fire and smoke damper actuators are defective. With over 40 years of technical experience with Fire Marshals and Building Officials, Renewal can also provide the training, code guidance and replacement solutions needed to maintain a reliable, safe building that meets the latest code standards.
Replacing faulty or non-functioning actuators with properly sized and
high efficient electronic actuators on air handling units. -
Exchange outdated high energy-consuming pneumatic actuators along
with the removal of air compressors with state of the art brushless DC
motor electronic actuators consuming up to 80% less power. -
Provide replacement actuators for competitors discontinued models
increasing system performance and reducing operational expenses. -
Standard or custom actuator linkage solutions to accommodate any air
damper design with minimal downtime. -
Actuators designed for operation in smoke and combination fire and
smoke dampers that meet all codes for commercial buildings U.S. and
have passed UL555 and UL555S at 250°F or 350ºF. -
On-time delivery with the option of installation by Renewal.
Periodic Testing Requirements of Life Safety Systems and Dampers
Chapter 7 - “Containment Dampers” (NFPA 80)
End of First Year
Every 4 years. In hospitals, every 6 years
Chapter 9 - “Smoke Control Systems and Dampers”